Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Our month of July just flew in and out. We had so much going on.
With tail end of June being mine and Tim's anniversary, Kaitlin's birthday, graduation, 4th of July celebrations and tons of just daily farm happenings. 

Here are just some of the happenings on the farm.....

Tim had flowers delivered to me for our anniversary.

I wasn't expecting any flowers. We typically just go out for a dinner. So this was a huge surprise. 

We found a place open for indoor seating.
Olive Garden it was. It was very romantic as no one was near us. We pretty much had the area to ourselves. It's always a wonderful time to be with my hubby especially celebrating our anniversary.

I did get my 2 banners done and hung up.

Baby chicks got put in a tractor.

I went ahead and added the ducklings with the chicks.
Another broody mama hatched out only 1 baby chick.

The pigs have been trained on the electric fence and will be moved out into the pig pasture. Let me just say they llooooovvvvee water!!!

Summer is another season I really like.

Beautiful evenings out doing chores.
Don't get me wrong it's hot too.

Baby bunnies are growing and soon will be out of the nesting box.

We have been moving the horse around the yard and letting him graze.

I was surprised he didn't go into the pond.
Glad he didn't on the other hand.

We have been eating lots of fresh raspberries.
This is the most we have gotten since we planted them.
It was a great year for them. I didn't get any jam made though.

Moved the baby ducks out to the Duck Inn.
Now they get to hang out with the bigger ducks before we release them to be together.

Skunk lapping up some milk on the lid.

Cattle are doing great and just grazing.
We still only have one calf. Looks like the other 2 will remain heifers. We were really hoping they were pregnant.

One of the last few kittens we have. They just love playing with empty buckets.

I am out with this handsome fellow enjoying some alone time and social distancing while waiting for the fireworks show to begin.

While waiting we got to enjoy a beautiful sunset.

We finally got the nipple waterers hooked up for the rabbits.
Mostly we were waiting on shipping. 
For the summer we will use the nipple waterers and for winter we will need to go back to the bottle waterers. Unless we find something else that might work better.

The rabbits didn't have any problems taking to them.
Bonus for us.

The hutches with babies will have 2 nipple waterers going into them.

Now only three 5 gallon buckets to fill.
 This makes chore time shorter.

This bucket is taking care of 6 hutches.

This side has the mamas with their babies.

Tim and I hung out with the girls and their friends.
We all went to the movies and had a blast!!

(Kenny, Hannah, Kaitlin, Krystal, Skylar, Tim and Abby)

My 2 youngest granddaughters came to stay at the farm with us.
It's Kylie's 1st time staying the night with us.

Silly girl.
I don't get many pictures of Makenzie as she doesn't like her picture to be taken.

Kylie is a social butterfly and talks to ya and loves her picture taken.

They enjoyed some swimming time and 

afterwards some popsicles.

Isn't she a cutie!!
When her hair grows out someday it is gonna be very curly.

Grandpa just got home.
The girls having some fun playing with the toys on the farm.

After dinner Kylie couldn't stay awake any longer.

The girls helping Grandpa with the chores.

They loved playing in the water.

So much that Kylie got in it.
They are just the cutest!!!

Bedtime stories with Grandpa are the greatest.

We are trying out our new water cups for the buckets.
They seem to be drinking from it just fine.

We moved the meat chickens out to the tractors.

They are just loving the grass.

We set up 5 tractors to accommodate the meat chickens. This is our last batch for the year.

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