Wednesday, August 12, 2020


April came in with a BANG!!!

This was in our refrigerator for a April fool's joke. Those girls got me good. I just had to laugh when I opened up our refrigerator and saw this looking back at me. "The milk's gone bad!" they said. I actually keep it like that for 2 days.

For those that know me personally I like things to be put back where they belong and I really like order. I keep my silverware in a particular order and this isn't it. They got me good. All they could do was laugh. Me, not so much!

Since the tree trimming crew came out things just looked thinner in the tree line at the road. I am hoping that it will fill back in.

Homemade bread and french bread.

A broody hen sitting on some eggs. Exciting to get some baby chicks.

Homemade blueberry muffins.

Our potatoes that we planted are starting to show signs of life.

These are the purple potatoes we planted. I can't wait until we can harvest them.

Getting the seeds I started planted in the garden.

My girls!!!
This is Skylar and Kaitlin hard at work.

Lemon Balm and Peppermint growing voluntarily.

Lady Grey's babies are getting big and moving out and about.
I am liking the coloring of some of them.

One of my many meals I just threw together shelf cooking.

Making those chickens work. Threw some feed down to let them scratch and thin out the hay that is on the ground.

Check out these 2 toms that our Royal Palm turkeys hatched out last summer.
They got big quick!
I only kept 2 and little did I know they are both males. Darn it!

Homemade fish and chips.

I really like the reflection.

Tim got a load of compost. He added it to our rows.
Now I have just got to say this garden is looking mighty good so far. It's been a lot of sweat put into it.

Tim even added compost over our potato plants.

Do you know what these are???

Tim made them. They are arches made out of PVC pipes. We will put our row covers over our cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower.

Kaitlin and I headed to our favorite garden center to get some more plants.

One of my favorite friends met us there.
We didn't want to get too close but we sure have missed seeing each other. It sure was a special day to hang out with her and Kaitlin.

We got a few things. One main thing I did get was another grape vine. I am wanting also to add more flowers this year.

Spring time is such a beautiful time of year. Even though we are in lock down and nothing is really open. We have all the signs of new life just blooming before us. 

Now to put the half hoops/PVC pipes to use.

This is what it looks like all covered. It will help to keep the bugs out of the cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Kaitlin helping me put the weed barrier mat down.
I am hoping this will help us while growing our beans this year.

Got that done and it's a little crooked at the other end.
I can live with that.

Beautiful blue skies, puffy clouds and the trees are starting to bud.
Spring is in the air!

Noodles with steak and gravy.

Breakfast quesadillas and hashbrowns.

Chicken Chow Mein with fried rice.
We are eating pretty good around here.

Got my herb beds ready for my herbs.
Some of them are already coming up again.

I have the BEST husband ever!!!
Check out my new sewing machine he got me.
Super excited to use this. He took my other machine in to get cleaned and a few repairs. While it's getting fixed I have a new one to use too.

Moving cows from the back pasture to the front pasture.

They are liking their new paddock.
I like having them closer to the house especially since we will be having calves soon.

Tim mending a gate that had come off of the hinge.
There is always something needing to be fixed around here.

Tim got the holes dug to put in the poles for our soon to be new deck for our pool.

I don't need it to be very big. Just big enough to attach the pool stairs to.

Chicken alfredo and garlic toast.

Nights are still getting a little chilly.
I was a wonderful evening to sit by the fire.

It was cold enough for me to wear my bigger coat.
Kaitlin was glad the fire was going as she had wet hair.

Just the 3 of us!!
Enjoying the time we have with Kaitlin. They just grow up too fast.

Tim pouring the concrete into the holes and bracing the posts.

Getting the meatie shed ready for our meat chickens.

Everything is ready just need to add food and flip the waters over.
Just waiting on the call from the Post Office.

I'm expecting baby chicks too.
My neighbor called and asked if I wanted some that he hatched.
Of course I said YEEESSSSSS!

A nice day to spend with the family and we all took a walk into the woods.

We moved Cosmo in with the cows.

Getting a huge pile of firewood.

One of our neighbors dropped off a load. Also they are cutting down and trimming trees from the power lines. They are also adding them to our pile. 

Panthers kittens are bigger. When we come into the barn they hear us and want to come to us.

Scout and Willow just hanging out.

Got tomato and pepper seeds started.

Another tray of tomatoes.

Enjoying my breakfast outside since the weather is starting to warm up.

Finally got some time to use my new sewing machine.

Got a new zipper sewed on my coat.
I really like the machine. I also has a quilting arm.


Tesla's kittens.
They are so adorable!

Homemade bread is made weekly here.

I'm finally getting around to making my banner for 4th of July.
This sewing machine is smooth.

Skylar hanging out with Panther's kittens.

Another load of free mulch dropped off.

Roast, mushrooms, gravy and potatoes with a side of buttery peas.
Let's just say, "get in my belly!!"

Cherry turnovers with glaze.

Maple our heifer.

Maple is really eyeing that bucket.
I think she thinks it is for her.

I'm really liking the coloring of the eggs.


Sugar Snap Peas


Purple asparagus

Varieties of beans are planted and one batch is coming up.

Got the babies all separated from their mom's and put into one cage.

Got some baby chicks!
Let's hope they aren't roosters.

It's been a rough month not being with family. We have a few birthday's we have missed. I am not liking the new normal that is surrounding us. Life on the farm hasn't changed much. Getting supplies have been harder. It's not just here it is across the nation. I'm not gonna lie, it is scary times. I just keep praying. I think that is all we can do at this point.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

~~ Proverbs 3:5-6

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