Monday, August 22, 2016



Moving the Hen House!

We have to move the Hen House, and set it up all in one day. That's gonna be a lot of work. Thankfully one of our friend's, son wanted to come help make this possible. Tim got up early as he usually does. He started removing the tin roof. Next thing we needed to start was unscrewing everything else. Plan is to take apart the chicken run (screened in part), and leave the chicken coop (house) together.

 Getting sides unscrewed. 

 One side at a time. It rained earlier this morning. It was a blessing that it quit raining to do this project. We work rain or shine.

 The helper (Jacob W.) was a huge blessing with his help and knowledge of tools.
Thanks to his dad who has taught him this huge knowledge and to be able to help others. 
 Walls are down and time to move the coop.

 Got the big machine out for this one.

 Getting boards laid out to be screwed together so the excavator can move it.

 Now all Tim has to do is pull it and make sure it doesn't slide off the boards. Now thats the easy part.

 Believe it or not but 3 chickens were laying in the nesting boxes. These are some serious laying hens. Just a little over 4 months ago, we moved this Hen House to here. When Tim was putting it all together the hens were just free ranging out and about. We he was putting the nesting boxes in the coop he had upset hens, hens wanting in the boxes and hens pecking him. Poor guy!
He said they wouldn't lay a egg because they traveled so far and might be stressed. I think we got 4-5 eggs that day.

 Almost there. This will be the permanent spot. It will house the hens until the new Hen House is built. Then, we will keep the guineas in it.
 This is where it was.

 The temporary set up for food and water until we get it moved.

Got the walls back up.

 Moving the wood chips back to the coop.

 Look at the eggs these chickens left us. Total today was 11 eggs.
Guess we didn't stress them to badly.

 Now we got to get the roof done. We are removing the wire on it.

 Got the boards on it and ready to add the tin roof to them.

Metal roof is on and nice and secure.

Jacob W, Skylar and Kaitlin are securing open areas with wire, so nothing can get in.

Hen House moved and done.
Great job everyone and the help we received!

Today's harvest. 
It is slowing down but we still have a lot on the plants.

 Isn't this just GORGEOUS!
After all that work, there was time to go fishing.

Kaitlin caught one and .......

 so did Jacob W.

 They caught several baby catfish.

 To add a special treat to our day -
 We went to town to watch a movie.


 I popped up lots of bags of popcorn, and brought a bag of cookies.
We are ready for the movie to start.

 Concession Stand!

It was a little cooler tonight. 
So adding a little fire so we can warm up.


Another huge blessing. We had some more friends come over to help us get started on the new Hen House. 

 Going out and checking on all the chickens and see how there first night was. We locked the all up early so we could go to the movies in town. So that wasn't easy and we did upset the hens. Our male guinea decided to stay out for the night. He is still with us this morning. The kittens just hanging out. We got our chores done and had some breakfast.

 Our help has arrived!
Aaron and Megan
The plan is to dig 12 holes and make them 3ft deep.

 Next, put in the 12ft post in the hole.

 Now bracing them so they will be level.

 Some holes needed to be redone.
We took a break for lunch. Worked a little longer then had some dessert. Then, our friends had to leave. Not many pictures as it is harder to take them when I was helping and my phone was dead.

We took another break when Mr. B stopped by with a load of feed for the steers.
Making plans on what we are gonna do with all these steers.
Stay tuned to find out what will be happening next.

Now we need to get back to work as daylight is gonna be fading.

 Tim and I are bracing the post.

We got it all braced and the dirt almost filled back in. Need to have most of it filled back in as one of our little kittens kept going down the hole. She was able to come back up. Leaving a 3ft hole is unsafe, so we filled them back up.

Lots of work this past weekend.
Thanks to everyone who came out to help.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24



  1. Love reading your blog! You all are so busy!!

    1. Thank you! We really enjoy staying busy. Glad you can come along with us!
