Tuesday, August 2, 2016



It's time to move the meaties! The barn area was smelling so bad. So it was time to move them. So we got the truck and used truck bed. We decided to count them.

~ 52 ~
Yep, 5  2 
52 meaties and so far we haven't lost any and all look good even the crooked beak chick.

Got them in the chicken tractor. They only get fed during the day and the feed is pulled at night, So, they were ready to eat.

Got their water in and watching them just be a chicken. 

Getting the herbs out of the dehydrator and so far this is some of what we have been putting up. Its so good to be doing this for the family. To know where your food comes from, not just the market.

Always work to be done. After breakfast we all cleaned up the barn area where the meaties were. Got the dog kennel moved out. Not sure what we will do with it. But for now our plans are not use it.

Putting the meaties bedding stuff in the compost.

Saturday's harvest. Looks like we will be canning more. Thinking I might use some of the tomatoes for canned vegetable soup. Now that just sounds delicious

Projects, Projects, and more Projects!

The wind on some days can just blow and other days be just fine. Sometimes it happens we you are sleeping and a BIG wind comes up. You get up and run out in the early morning still dark moments. You get wet, and cold. Picking up and moving all the plastic stuff. You get it all secured and say next time we shouldn't leave it out. So I, come up with this awesome idea. lets secure these things starting with the kayak.
Saw something like this on Pinterest! 
Turned out great. Its low enough that Kaitlin can reach it. It will still take 2 people unless you are Tim with big strong manly muscles.

On to the next project.
Getting the back pasture cut down.
Why you ask????            Cuz we are crazy!
 No, well really we are. We bought more steers. So we are getting everything ready. Electric fencing and sectioning it off to be able to move them around.

First section done!
We did get the second half done, just no pictures.

 I am guessing the hens and rooster might of wanted a ride.

 The ducks are getting curious when people come up the driveway now. So they are our almost greeters.

 The girls in the woods having some fun!

 This is a spot where we would like to put pigs.

 The only bull we have will be leaving for a short time and returning as a steer. So we (meaning Tim) were getting him separated from the other ones to put in the corral.
Got him there. He wasn't too thrilled about it.
He was later released back to the rest of his group.
But, tomorrow night he will be loaded up on a trailer for a couple of days.

The rest of our evening we got together with friends and had a BBQ. It quit raining and that was a opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and the kids had fun on the 4-wheeler.

The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
~Proverbs 12:26

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