Friday, August 19, 2016


Today is gonna be a busy preparing day. Not only did we go shopping for food this gonna be busy weekend. But, we need to get some food canned, shredded and sewn. Lets get started with a new recipe.

 Homemade pickled relish.
Got the chopping done.
We only had one cucumber and didn't want it to go bad. So we found a recipe to try out.

 Now we have to wait 2 hours for it to rest.
Time to go shopping.

 Now we can put it in the pot with the other ingredients.

 Letting it cook down. In the meantime, we started the tomatoes.

 One jar of homemade pickled relish. Folks, let me tell you this not only looks good, it smells good and taste yummy! We will be doing more of this next year.

 We found a new salsa recipe called Garden Vegetable Salsa.
Getting the ingredients all chopped and ready to cook.

 Letting it simmer before adding to the jars.

 We also made canned tomatoes while the salsa was cooking.
Got one jar of pickled relish
4 pints & 1 jelly jar of salsa
3 quarts of canned tomatoes

 Cutting up the zucchini to shred.

 Kaitlin bagging them up in one cup bags.

 Got 5 cups from them.

**Did get my plantain dehydrated. Ended up with 2 full quart jars. I will be ready with it when I need it now.
 Only got 2 chili peppers.
 So instead of letting them go bad we decided to dry them the old-fashion way.

 Kaitlin sewing the stems so we can hang them.

 If we get more we can add them.

Green beans are still growing.

Tim getting next paddock ready to move the steers. 

You can see the difference with the sides and they are ready to move on.

 Feeding time!

Tim got the steers moved to the new paddock.
You can see they are in their 3rd move.

Currently, how the hen yard looks. 
This will be changing this weekend.

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