Saturday, March 31, 2018



Today is the day for butchering. It's never the easiest day, but it is a day that needs to be done. Our Turkey, who has been named "Mr. Celebrity" is our Easter meal this year. While we are butchering him we are butchering 3 roosters. We are of no shortage of roosters around here. I was just surprised it was only 3 this time. One of our friends brought over 5 of his roosters. Why not we have all the stuff already out. Plus it gets the job done faster.

These are the 3 roosters. One of them has already been picked on. 

Mr. Celebrity - his day has come.
As you can see he is bigger than a five gallon bucket.
 That's not all feathers either.
No joke!

Skylar checking to see if the water is at the right temperature.

Tim turning up the heat.

Getting started with the roosters first.
We noticed that the turkey won't fit in the cones or boil tank and we definitely know he won't fit in the plucker. We have the ladder out to help with the butchering of these gnormous bird.

We are using a water tank to dunk him in.

Tim notched a board to put his legs in. Let me tell ya, it made the job easier. He was so heavy!

We decided to weigh him.

41 lbs at this point.

Tim and the girls are getting him gutted.

We decided to get the weight of him again.

36 lbs.
This is a big boy. Our son in law is planning on smoking him for our dinner on Sunday. He might need a bigger smoker.

It must be fascinating to watch a chicken lay a egg.


Tim pulled back the mulch we put down at the end of fall last year.

Our plan this year is to lay them out and layer them.
We will see how this works out. Last year we dug a hole and stuck them in it.

We are planting them in rows but when they grow it should look like one big giant bunch of plants. Reason for this method is one its easier to plant and two when the grow this way it helps with weeds growing and three easier to harvest.

The first layer will be the compost.

The second layer is the manure/compost.

The third layer is the mulch.

Now we wait for the rain.

While Tim and I were at the store we bought 2 blueberry bushes.
We got them in the ground too.

Spring is a exciting time! The trees start to bud and the grass seems to turn green over night. I just wish we had warmer weather.

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