Tuesday, November 27, 2018


I like making herbal remedies. I love to take care of my family and their health. I take classes once to twice a year. This salve I am making is one I got back in October. I had some of the oils I needed for this already infused.


The supplies needed for the healing salve is:

1 oz. oil infused Chamomile
1 oz. oil infused Oregano
1 oz. oil infused Calendula
.5 oz. Beeswax
1 T. Raw Honey

I added each oil infused herb into my double-broiler system.

Add the beeswax and stir.
I just used a skewer. It's easier to clean.

Once all of it is infused real good and melted, take off of heat.
Add honey and stir to mix together.

Pour into the jars.

Let the jars cool. Put the lids on them and label it.
That easy!!

Just a quick note......

Chamomile has
 anti inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It also heals skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. 

Oregano is
high in antioxidants and can help fight off bacteria and viruses, potentially reduce the growth of cancer cells and help alleviate inflammation.

Calendula has
anti-inflammatory properties to naturally heal cuts, wounds and other inflammatory skin diseases. Promotes fast healing and regeneration of the skin. 
It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and many other medicinal properties.

I am only naming a few of what these wonderful herbs do.
Tons more stuff. They are awesome herbs

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