Thursday, June 16, 2016


We told the girls they could get kittens when we move to the country. Well, they kept asking and asking just like kids do. They wear us thin so thin. We said 2! Only 2 PERIOD!

 Here is one,

 Here is two.

 Wait, one of them doesn't look like the first one.
You guessed it we got 3. 

Looks like 2, but there is 3 in the box. 

We took them to the barn and offering them food. 
As we watched them, they barely could walk and wouldn't 
eat any of the food offered. Realizing they couldn't stay in the barn. We moved them to the garage.

We got them from the lady at our feed store and she said she couldn't get them to eat and had them for 3 days.Tried getting the mom to feed them but she wouldn't come to them.

This is gonna be harder than we thought. We drove back to town and bought some baby milk for animals and 3 syringes to try.

There is 3 of them.
Not weaned.
No clue,
Neither do we! 

 They just fall asleep anywhere.

 Very messy eaters. After a week into this bottle feeding (syringe), we tried getting them to drink from the bowl. Big mistake! They spilled it several times and didn't know what to do or just didn't want to do it this way. Anything plastic they thought it was their milk. One day the girls were gone and I was left to feed all 3, by myself. I don't think I mentioned I really don't like cats, kittens, claws, they are sneaky, and they bite and attack. I don't trust them. So I was left to feed them. Thanks girls!

I tried feeding them and they were attacking me.

Ok not seriously attacking but they were clawing at me and biting and climbing all three of them. That's a lot of claws and teeth. They won! The dog and I walked away. She couldn't take it either. So we waited a long time and they meowed for awhile. Sounds mean but I am scared. Not really just don't want to get clawed at or bitten. At this point they are good and hungry. I got the kitten food, milk and soaked all that in some water.

No more bottle feeding them. This makes life easier. The girls, bless their hearts. They stayed up late feeding them, wiping their backsides, got up  early and was feeding every 3-4 hours. So they were thanking me when they got home.

 Alex (female)
she is mellow

B.W. (male)
the runt and looks like a wet rat when he is done eating

 Ninja (female)
slow eater and biter 

This one I do like.

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