Sunday, July 24, 2016


Well, this past week we have been at the 4-H Fair in our county. The girls have been working on their projects and now it's time for the fair.

Kaitlin took knitting and has done a great job with her projects. Her instructor has taught her a lot in a short time. Kaitlin could enter 4 projects and 3 of them got purple (goes to state), and 1 of them got blue (did really good).
Three of the projects: 2 pot holders (Purple ribbon) and 2 samples of a I-Cord (blue ribbon).

I-Cords= blue ribbon did great!

 She got a purple for the baby blanket. 
She is so excited. She worked so hard on this blanket. 

Next Project the girls took was 
Outdoor Adventures 1:


Skylar's notebook about hiking.
She got pink (means she is an alternate for state).

Poster Skylar put together of pictures she took with info on it.
Red ribbon for this means did good.

Skylar's hiking backpack.
Got a red ribbon did good.

Skylar's bag of first-aid and other essentials that would be handy for hiking. She was placed with a white for needs improvement.
Still an awesome job.


Kaitlin's poster with pictures and map. She got a blue ribbon means she did great.

Kaitlin's hiking backpack got a blue ribbon.

Kaitlin's bag with her first-aid and other essentials for hiking with info of what you can use the items for. She got a red ribbon.

Kaitlin's notebook of info from her hiking trip got her a purple ribbon to go to state.

Tim checking out the tables. 

Here is some of the inside exhibits that were being displayed. It was our 1st year in 4-H and it was a learning experience for all of us. The girls had to meet with the judges and discuss what they did and what they learned and what they could do better next time.

 A cool dog bed one of the other 4-Hers made.

 A look at all the posters on the wall.

 This is some of what the outside exhibits had through the week:

Lots of pigs. It smelled so bad! 

 It was so hot out and this boy forgot to bring the water jug for his pig.
He was using the sprayer to cool him down and getting his drinks from it.

Lots of goats!


This rooster looks just like our rooster Mybuddy. I showed this picture and people thought we showed our rooster.

These are our friends chickens. 
We learned a lot of info for next year.

 This is the judge for the poultry show.
He not only judged each one, he gave info about the chicken and what you can look for before showing. He was a wealth of information on chickens. We missed the duck judging, maybe next year.

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