Tuesday, September 6, 2016


This is gonna be a busy weekend!

We were suppose to go out of town but plans changed. Many blessings came our way with many helpful hands to help here on the homestead. Our daughter and her family came to stay a couple of nights and help get some things done here. Got our morning started with breakfast and coffee. 

Ninja and Alex are sure getting big!

Kaitlin, Tristen, and Brieanna

Got the kids moving our mulch to the hen houses.
(Isabella, Liam, and Tristen)

Tim and Leith got started on the new Hen House. The bottom boards are on.

Notching out post to hold the trusses.

Getting the mulch put in the new hen house.

Of course there is always time for a little kayaking.

Look at that.....
That was 2 busy, hard working guys.
The guys had this done before lunch.
Way to go!

Meanwhile, we all went to the woods and did some serious clean-up. This was one of many loads of scrap we hauled out. We sorted and bagged household belongings.

What is some of this stuff???
Some things were burned and melted it was hard deciding metal from the plastic.

There were:
dishes, pots and pans, silverware, sink, tables, chairs, 4 grills, 2 recliners, loads of plastic items, rabbit hutch, dressers, tons of glass and scrap metal.

This hen house is starting to look like a building.
They guys were busy working away and got the boards (purlin) layed across the trusses to hold the roofing on.

After the guys got done with the hen house, they headed to the woods. Tim drove the excavator to help get the bigger stuff cleaned up.

Busy sorting and picking up pieces of glass.

Tim, Tristen and Leith

Does anyone know what this plant is?

Jessica brought the smaller kids down after naptime.
(Liam, Jessica, EmilyMae, and Skylar)

Kaitlin taking EmilyMae with her while we do our evening chores.

We were down in the woods until dark. With all the clean up and mud and sweat, showers all around.

~~~~Many hands make light work~~~~


 More scrap metal

 Kaitlin and I found a sink and pulled it out and up the hill. At this point we needed stronger muscles. We went and got dad to the rescue.

Look at those cute small mud boots and them tiny work gloves. Who said kids can't work because they are too small. This little girl is only 2 but works like she is 5. She wanted to help with everything. Watch out world for this little one.

 Mud fight!

Load #3 in the pickup truck. Filling up the barn fast with this stuff. Next week we will be busy getting it all gone.

The little ones were carry wood and small logs.

 Got this area cleaned up.
Did some trimming down the paths and the kids helped clear it out.

 This was a nice special treat after clearing that all out.

 Chore time, or should I say feeding time.
 They all come out dog, cats, kittens!

 This little one is just sitting in the middle of it all watching.
It amazes me how they all can be together.

 Tim bringing the steers up to eat. This is our last weekend with them. We're sure gonna miss them, but more will come.

The kids picked out the biggest meaties so we can butcher them in the morning. We aren't gonna butcher all 51 in one day. 

The little chickens got curious about the meaties.



 An egg randomly in the yard.

 Another one in the chicken run. I don't think some of these hens know where to lay their eggs.


Tim got up early and got all this set-up for us.

 The first two are ready to go.

 Got all 9 of them done. It took about a hour. 
The plucker makes it faster.

 Now I need to do something with this.

 Kaitlin and I skinned the feet for when we make chicken broth.

I bagged the neck and feet. I bagged the hearts and liver in two bags. This we can use for bait when we go fishing. The gizzards I put in a bowl in the refrigerator and will later add to the bag we already have frozen.

This the pathway we were working on last night. The lighting is better today. Opening up the pathway will make it nicer to walk through and be able to ride the 4-wheeler. It will be better then getting whacked in the face with branches.

 We are gonna get some mulching done and cut up some logs.

 The area that had all the stuff is cleared out now.

 Burning up some wood.

 Randomly a beautiful butterfly lands in front of where I was working.

 This is our last weekend with the steers. 
Kaitlin is sure gonna miss Red. They have become close.

 We went back to the house as some family stopped over.
 We visited for awhile. 

We used the mulch in the walkways.

After they all left, we decided we would finish up in the woods for the night. We got our stuff loaded back up and mowed one section. We were tired, hot, and hungry. So we did our evening chores with the animals. Got some dinner and...

needed to bag up the chicken that we plucked earlier today.

This was sure a busy weekend and enjoyed having over my daughter, my son-in-law and grandkids. 
Thanks again for helping us!

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
Genesis 9:3


  1. We have one of those plants in our backyard so I looked it up. I'm pretty sure it's pokeweed. Everything about the plant is poisonous, especially the roots, but apparently people used to boil the leaves a lot and then eat them in their salads, but they don't recommend that you do that. Infants can die if they ingest it, but older children and adults can recover after a couple days. So yeah, of what I've found it's no use =(

  2. We have one of those plants in our backyard so I looked it up. I'm pretty sure it's pokeweed. Everything about the plant is poisonous, especially the roots, but apparently people used to boil the leaves a lot and then eat them in their salads, but they don't recommend that you do that. Infants can die if they ingest it, but older children and adults can recover after a couple days. So yeah, of what I've found it's no use =(

    1. Thanks for the info. Now we know what it is. We won't be using it for safety reasons.

    2. Thanks for the info. Now we know what it is. We won't be using it for safety reasons.
