Thursday, March 24, 2022

Springfield Trip

Tim and I got the opportunity to go visit with my family.
We don't get off of the farm often but it's nice when we do.
Spending time with family is important. 

We got into town and met them at Colton's Steakhouse.
The food was delicious and this was a long overdue visit.

(My parents Frank, Joyce, brother Jason, me Krystal, brother Frank Jr. and Tim)

After dinner we went back to my parents house.
We visited some more. Then Tim and I went back to our hotel room for the night.

(Jason, Krystal and Frank Jr.)

The next morning we got up and headed back over to my parents home.
They cooked us a yummy breakfast.

I got to meet their new puppy Gunter.
He is a very smart and active puppy. Loves to play with empty milk jugs. Funniest thing I ever seen from a puppy.

For lunch we went to a place called Flat Creek.
It was really good and I really liked the old décor they had.
This was out in front and of course I had to get a picture with him.

Yes I had to ask Tim to do this. Notice my parents didn't take one with the shark looking fish.

My mom Joyce and dad Frank

My brother Frank Jr.

I got a picture of just me and my mom.

After lunch we went to Bass Pro.
Did a little shopping and making a wish list too.

Afterwards we stopped at a couple more shops before heading back to their home.
My dad had prepared a roast in the crockpot for dinner. It was so different not planning and preparing meals. It was definitely a nice break from my normal. Besides waking up not doing farm chores was already different too.
My parents definitely spoiled me over the weekend and I know our time is coming to the end when we need to start heading back home.

The next morning we headed back to my parents for breakfast and my other brother Jason was able to join us. It was nice getting a chance to see them as it has been years since we last seen each other.
I know we can't make up for lost time but I am sure glad we keep making plans to see each other more often.

After we ate a delicious lunch we headed for home.
It's not goodbye but until I see you again.

Thanks for the wonderful weekend mom and dad. Lets continue making memories.

Families are like branches on a tree.
We grow in different directions yet our 
roots remain as one.

As Tim and I were leaving we decided to stop and go to Fantastic Caverns.
It's a place where we both have been when we were younger but not together.

Inside the cave

The guy that drove the tram-jeep was really good at explaining everything down in the caves.
It's worth going if you have never been before.

Fantastic Caverns is America's Ride-Thru Cave! It was discovered in 1862 by an Ozarks farmer - or more precisely, by his dog, who crawled through a small entrance in a hillside. It wasn't until five years later that the first exploration took place: twelve women from Springfield, answering a newspaper ad seeking explorers, ventured into the cave. Their names remain on a cave wall today.

The cave is toured in Jeep-drawn trams.

Tim and I drove home in rain until about an hour from home. Then we hit snow.
It took us a little longer to get home. Glad we went and glad to be home.


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