Sunday, November 17, 2019


What is this I see.......... SNOW!
What?? As fast as it came it was already gone. So glad I took pictures. It's giving us a taste of what is to come.

The dogs were even checking it out.

Just to think we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet and we have snow.

We got our 1st offical snow and it's brutally cold outside!!!
The wind was blowing and it was snowing. The temperature said it was 14, but that wind cut right through you.

 The silkies would barely come out. I don't blame them. I didn't even want to come out. I laid in bed and heard the wind all night. I just knew if I went out I would blow away. I just wanted to stay in my nice warm bed and nice warm house. 

 I am not sure what these guineas were doing. They were lined up???

 The wind was really blowing and they decided this would be a good place to just lay down and hang out. They aren't even eating. I put food out but that isn't were I put it. Winter time I have the hardest time with guineas. They love the cold but they don't realize that they will freeze.

 Pictures just can't seem to capture this scene.
The sun was glistening on the water as the wind blew and rippled across the pond. The red bush just sparkled with the sun hitting it and the wind blowing the leaves.

The sun just was popping in and out.
As cold as it was it sure was pretty to look out.
And I call this place home!!

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