Thursday, November 14, 2019


Today's the digging day. The day I don't look forward to but I am happy about. That sounds confusing. I don't want my yard dug up. We got rain coming. That will leave everything muddy until next year. But it is a job that needs to get done in order to hook this wood boiler up. That's what I am focusing on.

So here my sweet hubby moves all the gravel back.

Neatly done!
He knows I am worried about all the mud when it's all said and done.

But I will give my husband tons of credit, he is a professional and knows what he is doing. He isn't some sloppy let's just get it done type of person. He thinks these things out. I would have to say he did a fantasticly neat job with the dirt.

One phone line cut ......

another phone line cut. This means no internet.
No worries my hubby has this.

Remember the green pipe we picked up.
Well we need to get this in the ground before the rain comes.

Tim has his tools out.

Temporarily repairing the phone line.

Now Tim is cutting a hole into the concrete into our basement. This will connect water lines to and from the furnace to the outside wood boiler.
This is how the house will have heat.

He is almost through the concrete wall.

The tube is through the wall of the basement.

Since we already have the trencher here and the ground is already open. We are adding another project for later in the spring. 

This second trench is for a future electric line to the parking area.

Installing the conduits.

The phone line is permanently repaired.

Pipes are in and ready to back fill.

Tim got off early to get this project done. We got rain and snow mixed with ice coming. He worked fast and it was so cold. Tim spread the now soaked dirt trying to not make a bigger mess.

This section is left open for another project that Tim is wanting to upgrade.

Tim got the gravel spread back out. He is gonna wait until it is drier to flatten out the dirt.

This part is open still. Stay tuned for getting the rest of this hooked up.

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