Friday, November 1, 2019


Tim and I have talked about either a wood stove or a wood boiler for our house. It has taken lots of research to find what would be the best for our home. There are many pros and cons for either of them. But we finally decided to get a wood boiler for our home. 

An hour and a half drive, we found one and just couldn't pass up the deal.

Mr. E got his forklift out to load it.

We made sure to bring a trailer to load it on.

Next Tim and Mr. E got it all strapped down to make it's journey to our farm.

It's a good thing Tim had the digger derrick truck. He was able to unload this easily off of the trailer.

Tim needs to repair this boiler and replace some parts that burnt up. He will also need to respray foam the fire box.

Tim took off all the outside metal pieces. Removed all the burnt up electrical controls and wires. He scraped off all the burnt up spray foam. He took it back to almost bare bones.

Tim set up a tent because we have been having rain. He sanded down the metal so the spray foam had something to stick to.

And away he went on to spraying it.

Tim had to add some of the wiring before the spray foam went on.

Tim made sure to tape off and put plastic on anything that didn't need the spray foam on.

Once it was dry, Tim removed the tape and plastic. He shaved down anything that was too thick. Then he started to assemble the wood boiler back together.

Tim started hooking up the new parts for it like the temperature controller, photocell and switch.

New light on the outside.

He ran the electric and controls on the inside door.

New water valves.

The vent pipes are still inside the fire box.

New electrical ran to the draft controls and blower.

New water level gauge.

It may not be new but to us it is. We talked about repainting the outside. I don't much care how the outside looks as long as it works and is safe. So this is it. Our New Wood Boiler.
We still need to get some more stuff before we can hook it up. Our plan is try and get it in before the end of the year.

In order to get the water hooked up to the wood boiler and for it to transfer heat back to the house. We need one of these tubes.
We took another drive back out to pick this up.

This particular morning was extremely foggy.

Besides the drive was slower due to the fog we didn't come as prepared as we are normally. 

As Mr. E and Tim measured and cut this pipe system.
They we hashing out how we are gonna haul this ginormous piping home.

The decision was to wrap it tightly and strap it to hold.
Sounds easy but this stuff don't bend well. It took all three of us to get this done.

As you see we don't have a trailer. Our thoughts were it would fit in the back of our truck. Nope not gonna fit even it we wind it tight. So it's gonna go on the roof of our truck. And just to let you know how unprepared we were today, we have nothing to tie this down with. How about that!

It's a good thing we know people that Mr. E knows too.
We got to borrow his strap. Country folks are the best.
So now to get this home.

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