Friday, March 13, 2015

Food, Oranges and Baseballs

So the other day at dinner we had some little oranges and so dad said that this was all his food he got to eat and proceeded to cut it up with a butter knife and some tongs!

Chicken, green peppers and onions....

 Saute the onions
And cook the green peppers...

Re-cooking the chicken (we are using leftovers!)

This is me shredding the chicken

Put it all together and BOOM! Ya got fajitas! 

Add some sour cream and guacamole (if you like it) and cheese plus tortillas!

Here is me being weird (as usual) smiling with an orange! 
Last night Kaitlin and I made honey-cinnamon butter for dinner we put it on pumpernickle bread.
(Recipe at the bottom)

 Mix it all up! And put some on your bread or roll or whatever ya want!

1 stick of butter, room temperature, whisked
 (we just heated it up a little and beat it up with a wooden spoon)
1 teaspoon cinnamon 
1/4 cup of honey
1/4 cup powered sugar 

After dinner we went and played some baseball
Kaitlin and I really like hitting baseballs (and we aren't too bad if I do say so)
Dad let me pitch to him..(I'm not a very good pitcher)


  1. Come on, Pascal, turn orange XD

  2. TANGLED REFERENCE!!!!!! HAHA love Tangled! Pascal is awesome!

