Sunday, March 31, 2019


Skylar and her friend Lauren went and got their ears pierced together. So we all made a day out of it.



Lauren went first, she was so scared.
Even though this is her second piercing. 

She had to hold the teddy bear and this yellow thing in her hand.
She almost had to buy it because she squeezed it so hard that it almost took the stuffing out. LOL

Getting them marked.

Last one...

She got them double pierced.
That wasn't so bad.


Skylar's turn.

I didn't want Lauren to feel bad so I had Skylar hold the bear too.
She didn't need to hold the yellow thing. She told us she was much tougher than Lauren was.

Getting them cleaned.


1st one....

2nd one.

Double piercing too.
It's done!

I got the blessing of spending the day with these lovely young ladies. Blessed to have them with me.
(Skylar, Kaitlin, Lauren and Hope)