Tuesday, February 12, 2019


We are still here! We have been hibernating for the winter. I am really serious about that. I really haven't taken many pictures or I just think I didn't. Everything slowed down. We got things ready for winter and winter came. I have thought about the blog and my followers but not much happening here. It's just been nice taking a break. I know on my last post I planned on getting more out. That didn't happen. I uploaded half of our Christmas day, but I didn't do anything more with them. I thought about just putting it into a movie slide show. Not sure yet what to do. So, I am just gonna catch you up for the past month and a half of just life on winter break on the farm.

 Crisp mornings!
It's been cold, snowy and very icy here.
(See I am still here)

The snow started to come.

Put up two tarps in freezing weather to help block wind on the Silkie and Banty coop.

And it kept snowing!

A winter wonderland.

A wonderful neighbor came over and plowed our driveway.

Skylar and Kaitlin playing in the snow with the three dogs.
Cuddles doesn't much like it.

Me with my beautiful daughters.

Tim has been doing a great job keeping our solar panels cleaned off. 

Trash still needs to be burned. Wagon doesn't work well in the snow or ice. I think I might end up using the sled but need to find a way to strap it so it doesn't tip.

 With the icy/cold weather, we have been going out every 3 hours during the day to replace frozen waterers, animal checks and collecting eggs before they freeze.

 It's been interesting walking on all of the ice.
Don't much like it when a dog comes running at you.

Driveway has been so icy, nobody has come to visit us.

Parking has been interesting lately too.


Don't say I didn't warn you!!!

We have been cooking and baking plenty of warm meals.
Kaitlin chopping vegetables.

 Chicken Potpie

Banana Fosters

Garlic Rolls


Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and toast.

Been making bread for the past several months.
I love the smell of bread baking!

 Breakfast burritos

 Egg toasters

 Beef Stroganoff

Home-grown homemade sweet potato fries.

 Breakfast Sandwiches

Cherry Pie, Pulled Pork and Texas Potatoes.

Asiago Chicken with Noodles

A fully loaded omelet!

Making weekly Kombucha.

Kaitlin making meat pies.

Whiskey Peach chicken with Rosemary Rolls.

Chicken Chow Mein

Cherry cheesecake

Breakfast Quesadillas

Homemade French Bread

Potato Leek Soup

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and avocados with bacon.

Homemade sausage gravy with biscuits

Chicken Wontons

Bacon with Cinnamon French Toast Dippers

Did I make you hungry????

My girls get bored and this is what they do.

Or they just lay around with the dogs.

We finally had a thaw!!!!

I was excited about that, until I had to walk in sinking mud.

You had to be careful not to loose a boot walking in this stuff.
It made doing chores interesting.

The ducks were loving it.
We did move them over to the hen house after the pond froze.

The several inches of ice on the driveway finally started to melt.

Funny thing is it is covered in ice again.
When people come over we meet them at the top of the driveway and bring them down or they walk. We are ready for some more melting this way. I don't want a 100 degrees but at least above freezing would be nice.

Willow and I hanging out while I work on another blanket.

It's getting longer.

I made a bag to hold all of my crocheting hooks and such in.
I lined it with a vintage fabric and added a wooden button. I think it turned out very pretty.

A sewing project.

A made a mat to put our drinks on in the kitchen.
I made a Christmas one too.

My Willow likes to hang with me while I do my projects.

Kaitlin has been working on her knitting.

How are the animals doing???

The one bird that we call Squeaky, she won't go in the hen house.

The bantys and silkies are doing good.
Not liking the cold much. The girls and I did have to put up a tarp on one side of the run as the wind has been pretty strong here.

The bantys and silkies have been pretty steadily laying eggs.
As for the bigger hens they are holding out for warmer weather.

I saw movement in the empty feed bags, Alex and Squirt were curled up inside of it. That was so cute!

Another cute moment of all three cats curled up together.
Funny thing is they really don't get along. Phantom doesn't like either of them.

Hope hanging out with the flock.

She is a amazing dog. This weather doesn't phase her. She has warmer areas to go but would rather lay on the ice and stand in the strong winds. She has been doing such a great job with all the birds. I still think she has problems with the guineas. But we all have problems with them. I need to do something different with the guineas next winter. They are just everywhere they aren't suppose to be. Tim isn't happy with them as they keep pooping on our solar panels. Darn Guineas!!!

Guineas and ducks have over taken the hen house.

Been feeding them inside the barn.

The two babies got moved out with the bantys and silkies.
They are beautiful!

Rabbits are doing good. Just frozen waterers daily.

Willow and Scout
Tons of cuteness going on here!

Shadow, Willow and Scout watching something outside.
I am pretty sure its a bird.

Spring will be here before we know it and we have been garden planning tons here. Combing through seed and plant magazines. 

We got our order in from Bakers Creek.

It doesn't seem like we ordered much from them.
We didn't need to order much because we seed saved for the last two years. That really pays off. It allowed us to order other seeds and we also ordered plants from another company. We haven't received that order in yet. I think the beginning of March they will ship out for spring. We even ordered two more fruit trees.

Tim set this up station in the garage so we could get some seeds started.

Tim even got the fire going nice and warm in here.

Tim made the soil blocks.
If you all don't have one you should. This is so handy.

 We got two of our three mini greenhouses up.
We ordered our lights and they should be in the next day or two.
Right now we have them on plant heat mats.

 We got three full trays planted.
I really hope all the seeds sprout.

 (150 seeds planted)
We planted cauliflower and 3 different types of cabbage.

What will you be planting in your garden this year?

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