Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Little happenings on the homestead.
Just a day in the life of our homestead.

Skylar working on one of her assignments for history.
Of all of the years of homeschooling, you have many rooms to work in. One of her favorites is outside.

One of our neighbors/friend has a bottle fed calf.
Kaitlin was invited over to feed this little guy.

This little guy was so precious.

He was loose in the yard. They didn't worry about him running off. He stays either on the grassy area or goes back in his stall in the barn. We learned so much.

Been filling up quart jars with dried beans.
Can't wait to start cooking with them.
I feel a cold day coming on.

The girls and I took care of one of our neighbors' place while they went on a whole family vacation.

Our place is surrounded by trees and seems like in a lower valley.
Their property sits on a hill with not so many trees.
Amazing views from their place too.
(Their chores were easy)

Tim and Kaitlin moving some mulch around on the property.

Kaitlin got another new rabbit. Her name is Stormie.
This is the female that was bred with Greyson over the summer. We got one of the babies which is Gracelyn.

We had rain!
Pond is starting to fill back up.

This was what our pond looked like in August.

Skylar was pulling out a tire that we found in the pond.
Previous owners used the land to dispose of all trash.
We are slowly finding it and cleaning it up.

We have been living on the homestead for 3 years.
This year was the hottest year so far. Running a farm or setting up a homestead always takes work. I enjoy making a homestead and the beauty that surrounds me. There has been heartache but it is soon replaced with joy. Like death and a birth of a new critter, like a drought that will eventually bring rain, like fall that everything looks dead into spring that sprouts new buds, like our morning and evening skies. There is so much beauty!

Nothing smells better than fresh bread baking.

I couldn't resist giving this a try with some peanut butter.

Granddaughters coming to visit!
That warms my heart.

Evening sunsets.
Out moving tractors and making birds happy!!

The beautiful blue sky and the grass greening up after a harsh drought.

Been cooking up some delicious meals.
This one is beer brats with carrots, broccoli, peppers, onions, mushrooms.

Don't forget a hearty breakfast.
Now serving scrambled eggs, bacon and biscuits.

More evening chores and getting things ready for colder weather.

Brought in the last of the harvest. Don't know if anymore will come as in two days will we have a freeze for two days.

I am dehydrating the peppers this time.

Got the chili peppers rinsed.

Filled up the dehydrator.

Kaitlin did pick beans and I got them drying too.
So this is the last of our 2018 garden. I haven't planted the garlic yet. There's still time.

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