Saturday, April 15, 2017


Yesterday was not the day we planned. We got up early so we could get our morning chores started. We had some planting to do, books for school to read, we needed to go to the store, places to go.
You get the idea.

Before we headed outside for chores I heard/noticed Hope barking. This is normal. Something was happening in the woods. No biggie she's got this. I happened to look out the window and had to blink again. You will never guess what I saw in the yard.


Ok, maybe you could guess it. Let me explain...

It was on our side of the yard, not in the pasture, in open area, free to run wherever he wanted. This was not good!

At this point we are cow counting. Check!
All of them but Harley are counted for. How'd he get out is important but getting him back in the pasture was at the top.
The girls took the pickup truck to the other side of the pond to block him from going to the road and I drove the 4 wheeler towards him pushing him into the woods. 
He had to come from that direction. 
We did it! 
But that is a temporary hold we have to still get him to the pasture. We live in a small community and have wonderful friends. So these wonderful friends came to help. We will call him Mr. L and Mr. J. The plan was for us to spread out and move him towards the gate we wanted him to go through. Got him in and everyone is counted for.
But wait, how'd he get out. We have a fence to repair in order to keep them all in. We had some broken barred-wire and pushed on wire fencing. Tim came home like he flew home. Bless his heart. Wife calls and said this is what she calls an emergency. He came quick as he could. Anyway, he got the fence fixed. In the mean time Mr. B had received the call too. He also left work and said he is coming with the trailer to pick him up. 

Getting the fencing fixed.

Tim and Mr. B putting up the cattle panels to load Harley up.

Tim getting all the cattle pushed to the corral.

Main priority is Harley.

Harley and One-Earred are in the corral.

Got him loaded on the trailer. Released One-Earred Cow back with the others.

Got Little Brown Cow in the corral to give her some medicine.
She wasn't happy!

We tried to get Bolt to go in but he wasn't having any of it. Tim and the girls tried to catch him. That didn't work either.
So, we gave her the medicine in the feed bunk. She almost horned him in his leg. He jumped up on the fence and nobody got hurt. We let her calm down. She finally ate her medicine. Glad that was done.

She was glad too.

And so was Bolt!
What a day so far. 

A neighbor dropped off 25 guinea eggs to put in the incubator.
We will see what happens.

White Leg-horn chick is always sitting up there.

Remember that cage we found for free.
Looks like we are putting it to good use.

Ms. Boss is sitting on 5-7 eggs.
I can't remember the number. She had some problems with other hens coming into her area. Short story she has a new set of eggs. She is liking the new set up.

Do any of you know what kind of egg this is?

It's a Turkey egg!

From where you might ask. Well, Skylar found it in the coop.

It's a girl and Little Tom needs a new name.

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