Monday, July 24, 2017


Garden is doing great. We can barely keep up on it.

We went down to the garden to see if anything was ready.
Check it out. It is a wagon full.

Tim is getting the garlic we planted last fall strung up.

Garlic is all hanging up to dry.

This is only some of the yellow squash we have picked. We ate some fresh and then shredded it and put bags in the freezer. 
So far we put up 46 bags (2 cup bags) of zucchini and 4 bags 
(2 cup bags) of yellow squash.

Garlic is dried.

I got them put in bundles and ready to hang in the house.
The smallest bundle is what we will plant this fall.

We made more homemade strawberry jam.
This is super yummy!


Wild blackberries!
We are hoping to can these before the japanese beetles get them.

 The corn is growing taller then Tim.


 Spaghetti Squash




Check out how big this zucchini is compared to my foot.


  1. That zucchini is HUUUUUGE :O

    1. I had to take the picture and with my shoe for sizing. That will make a lot of zucchini bread for sure!
