Friday, May 1, 2015

Fermented Cabbage...?

Alrighty, Fermented Cabbage anyone? 'Haha, funny, Skylar'  No, really look!

(Exhibit A) Cabbage, cut in half. Slice it into strips.
 (like you would lettuce for taco salad as mom refers)

(Exhibit B) Add the salt...

(Exhibit C) Put it in a jar with water.

(Exhibit D)
Ha. So redneck. Wood, pop cases, wine bottle and pickle jar!
You need to weigh the cabbage down 'till the water is at the top, not over the cabbage though.

Then, 4 days later it was like this...

(Exhibit E) The cabbage produced liquid from the pressure.
Fermented Cabbage can be made into Sauerkraut with some other ingredients. You can also ferment other things with it too. Also it supposedly really good for your gut.
And mom says the whole family NEEDS this.

1 comment:

  1. That. Is. So. Cool. I've never even heard of fermented cabbage XD
