Tuesday, May 10, 2022

My Parents came for a visit!!!

This was my parents first time coming out to our farm.
It was just for 1/2 a day but we will take what we can get.

I made lunch. (Taco Salad)
We gave them a tour of our farm. We visited and played a card game.
We had snacks and coffee. It was cold and we didn't hang outside for long. I just can't believe our weather. The day before was much nicer. I still haven't put up my winter coat yet.

My mom (Joyce aka Mammo) with Kaitlin.

My parents with Kaitlin and myself.
(Krystal, Frank aka Pappo, Joyce and Kaitlin)

Tim taking our picture while my dad was taking our picture.
I had to include this.

Pappo, Mammo and Kaitlin

My beautiful mom and my beautiful daughter!!
(Krystal, Joyce and Kaitlin)

With our farm in busy season not sure when we will see each other next.
Time is precious so we do plan on making a trip to see them soon.

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