Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Good weather this weekend. The plan is to see how much we can get mulched out of the back pasture and future pig pasture. 

Tim and Skylar got the job started before Kaitlin and I joined them.
We borrowed the trailer from our son. 

 The stuff that needs to be mulched.

 This is the last pile in this area, then we move on.

 Hope and Cuddles

 Kaitlin taking the ride in the trailer.
This way she can open and close gates behind her.

Adding mulch around our fruit trees.

 For now the rest of the mulch will be in the driveway. No cows or dogs can mess with it. This is temporary until we move the cows again.

 Now we have moved down to the wooded area to get the rest of the stuff to mulch up.

 This is probably not a good idea to have the van down here.
But, Tim said he was gonna give it a try since the hitch on the trailer doesn't hook up to our pickup truck.

 Well, the van got stuck and Skylar pulled out the van with the pickup truck.

Tim got the trailer hooked up on the pickup truck. As you can see the hitch may or may not work. Let's pray that it does.

 Two piles here.
One to be cut up later for firewood and the second is what we are mulching today.

 Got the truck with the trailer moved. It made it over the two small ditches and looks like it will stay attached. The ring moved farther down the ball on our truck. 

 Looks like we will be working on this tomorrow. Loaded up everything except for Tim's van. We will leave it down here until morning. This will give the ground time to freeze up and he can move it out and back in the driveway. The rest we are parking in the barn for the night.

 Kaitlin and Alex
Alex has started coming to the back door and wanting attention just like Ninja did. The girls like this but wanting warmer weather to do this. 

 Future Pig Pasture is cleared. 

 Getting the next batch mulched.

 We are getting this area cleaned up. It was over grown and full of trash. Now it is looking good.

 Got this pile done. Moving on!

 Got this section mulched. We will have another work day(s) for cutting up firewood.

Tim and the girls stopped what they were doing to come to the barn. They had to get the pallets ready because Mr. B was coming to drop the square bales of alfafa hay and round bales of hay off.

Mr. B is fully loaded with food for the cows.

Them chickens touch everything and poop on everything.

Tim is getting the rope unhooked so Mr. B can dump the bales out.

Got the bales unloaded to a different area.
I like this area better, I can see it from the house.

Skylar took this picture. I like it because they are all lined up. 
Did she line them up too?

After lunch we all headed back to get the rest of the wood mulched.

 Tim is putting in the last piece. There is always more to mulch, but this section is done. We got done what we planned on doing this weekend. It was a good weekend! The tote on the left is trash we are still finding. 

Tim and I took a walk through the woods.

 Always more trees that still need to be cut down. We are gonna need another chain saw for all this work and no shortage of firewood.

 They got the mulch dumped. Then Skylar and Kaitlin started to climb up it.

Look who joins them!

 Thanks for coming along with us.
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