Thursday, January 7, 2016



We have lots going on.....

Girls are trying to keep caught up on their school with everything going on. 

Got the canning and herbs done for the season. 

Then we decided to go buy a 40ft container.

Why you ask. Because we are CRAZY! We got a good deal on it.
So lets fill it up with......

Our belongings and sell our house!

We have been working on our house projects and we got it done and talked with several realtors. Lets list it now and maybe by spring we can get it sold and move to our next home with acreage. So we packed up most of our belongings into the container and had 3 days worth of showings. By the 4th day everything stopped and we .........................


Ok, now I was a little freaked out. Lots of questions. We hadn't really been looking at homes only online. Homes online and in person are very different. So, we spent weeks looking and seems like we looked at a 100 homes and we just couldn't find the RIGHT one. With all that going on we had to make some decisions with our chickens. The new owners wanted the coop and it was already too small for our 15 chickens. As our move out date is approaching and cold weather, someone gracefully let us put our chickens in their backyard. Thanks!

So we are off to build a chicken coop. We decided since it was temporary that we would build it to be removed again. So we used screws. The chickens wouldn't be able to free range as they once were. We built a enclosure and secured it as we would only check on them once a day for egg collection and making sure food and water was full.

It is coming together. It took 2 days and the 1st day was so cold.

Got milk crates on craigslist. Looked up on Pinterest the best way for the chickens to get in. Turned out nicely, just need to add the straw.

Roosting bars are so important. I wanted more because we learned from our last coop. They don't all get along and want their space. So 5 bars should be good. We have 15 chickens but will be butchering at least 4 of them. 
All we need now is the chickens to be added.

 Ok so days (more like 4 days before we need to be out) we decided to butcher 7 chickens. Leaving all the babies that were born this year (2015). In our freezer is the 4 white ones (Light Brahmas) and 3 black ones (Black Sex-links) 

I decided to take the chickens over to their new coop at night. Read and heard it is better for them. This is thier 1st night in the new coop. They aren't sure about the new surroundings.

The chickens we have left are:
 Rhode Island Red (Copper)
Buff Orpington (Buffy)
Plymouth Rock (Oreo)
Wyandotte (Lacy)
Americana Easter Egger (Meredith)
3 Lavender Orpington

Update on the coop

We put a tarp on half of the coop. We found out with the first rain it leaked and got there food wet. That wasn't good. So we added plastic over top of the whole coop. Thought that to be better for the winter.
(We transported all of them in the baby coop)

Tire is for their dust baths
(A find on the side of the road)

 We put the empty fed bags up as a wind breaker.

Chickens are so smart. They had figured out the crates. 

They really like the tall bar.

So that's the update that the chickens have a home. 
So now we need one.