Saturday, September 21, 2019


As I sit at the library and up load photos to this very blog you are reading and naming this post, I am thinking I am finally caught up.
With a busy summer and slow internet it's a wonder that I was able to post as much as I have. I enjoy blogging and telling my life story.
Though it's only a small part of what I actually do. So come along into our week and weekend and enjoy..............

My weekly visit to the library to upload photos and work on my blog. Watching YouTube while I am doing this work. 

 A beautiful evening sky.
But honestly I say that every evening. Just so thankful for what I have.

 Those kitties are getting big and I look forward to seeing them in the barn when I walk in. 

 Tesla is as scared as Panther is.

 Looks like one of them is starting to get curious about outside.

Momma Silkie with all the babies. If you notice they are all bigger than her. I am wondering if I need to take her out yet. She still has much to teach to the guineas. The other baby chicks are doing great and will be fine without her. But guineas, oh boy, they need lots still. 

 Thanksgiving turkeys are getting big.
I am not able to move their tractor if they are all on the roosting bar.

I love this view!!!
We have all 8 tractors going and moving them every 2 days. The cows out grazing and chickens out scratching everything and following behind the cows. I am hoping to keep the tractors going for as long as I can. Not sure where we plan on storing them for this winter. We usually put them in the corral. But with the cows and a horse we aren't able to do that. We have stored a few in the butcher station but we will be butchering more rabbits and the Thanksgiving turkeys. We will see when the time comes.

Let's check out what we have in those tractors......

 Tractor 1
Momma turkey with her babies that are growing.

Tractor 2
Cochin Momma with her babies, that are getting so big.

Tractor 3
4 Thanksgiving Turkeys

Tractor 4
5 Thanksgiving Turkeys

Tractor 5
Momma Silkie with 4 baby chicks and 8 guinea babies.
You can't see momma because the babies are all bigger than her.
She takes care of them very well.
The bigger guineas will come over to the tractor and listen to them all making their sounds. It can get noisy here on the farm. I don't mind it. It reminds me how blessed we are to raise all of them.

Tractor 6
This has all my silkie chickens in it.

Tractor 7
Ms. Boss with baby chicks.
This set of babies are daring. They will come up to me, hop out the tractor door, they are difficult when I go in the tractor to feed them. Most mommas gather the babies into them. Not Ms. Boss she tells them "feeding time", "Go get her". I have to be careful to not step on them little ones. They are the wildest batch she has hatched out.
I like it. They will survive with my wild batch of chickens.

Tractor 8
Little Red Hen with her 7 baby guineas.
She is a wonderful momma and teaches them well.

 This doesn't happen often. 
They were laying down while I had my phone/camera on me.

 It's just funny that they were all lined up.
That never happens.
The cows will be moving to the back pasture before they get loaded up and get our cows back. I was told our cows are doing great. Two of them are confirmed had the bull with them. So we want to give just a little bit longer for the 3rd one. I miss them and can't wait until they come back. I will miss these cows as we finally have a routine with them and they are getting easier to work with. We know their personalities. 

 Excuse the grassy stuff growing up in this bush. Life happens!
But look at this bush that I bought last year. It BLOOMED!!
We have so many flowers that still are blooming out here on the farm. We had nothing 3 years ago. Finally walking around here and seeing the changes and all the hard work on the farm planting and growing things. It's paying off.

 I love how the droplets look on the petals.

 I bought 4 rose bushes at the end of the year last year.
These bushes are still blooming. With the heat we have been having, I'm still so surprised.

 Each evening our heavenly father gives a beautiful painting.

 Check it out, them chickens are everywhere.

 I would say the ducks are doing good. Well they are. But our numbers are down. Not sure exactly what is taking them out. My only guess would be a fox. We only have 6 left. Started the summer with 12. So BUMMED! I am thinking about a guard goose. I am worried about the dogs or people getting hurt. Not sure what to do yet.

 I planted morning glories from seeds this year.
They are so big and thick. They look wonderful when we walk out the door.

 My dill is still coming in.

 It's hot!
My phone/camera keeps fogging up with the heat.
Kaitlin and I just hanging out. She is taking a little break from school. Skylar has been working and going to college. My season has changed and it's been some readjusting to our farm. 

 Came home the other day from doing some grocery shopping and found a turtle in our driveway. The dogs didn't know what to think. At least it wasn't a snapper.

 Willow is determined to leave with me. If I open my door to my truck she is jumping in. She won't even look at me. How funny!

 Since we got the new kittens, these two have been out of the barn more often than not. They don't come running to eat either.

 Tim and Kaitlin butchered 11 meat rabbits. We got 2 more cages empty. Now we have another 2 cages to go.

 Kaitlin and I parted out several of them to put in the freezer.

 They are so jumpy with any sound or anyone coming into the barn.

 I think they have grown in a week.

 The pond is calm and the ducks are keeping the algae down.

Last night at Walmart.........


Yep, that's me.
Tim begged me to put this on.
I just don't get what the big deal is?!?!



We all went last night to buy clothes and shoes for a Rugged Maniac 5K that this crazy family of mine signed up for. Not me, I am not the crazy one. Stay tuned for the Rugged Maniac post.

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes...
Including you.

~Anne Lamott

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