Monday, August 15, 2016


We are off to the State Fair!

This couple was very entertaining. 

We got there early, so not crowded yet.



Kaitlin's knitted blanket on display.

Kaitlin's Outdoor Adventures book on display.


It almost looked like a statue.

Check this one out! 
Yes, it is real and this is normal.

These are the BIGGEST corn dogs I have ever seen.

We have never had fried green tomatoes before. Seriously, with all the tomatoes we grow ya would've thought we would have. But, nope not until the fair. It sounded good and we just had to try it. 
It was really good. I think we will be making them.


Check out this guy on the high wire.

A closer look!

Finished up at the fair. We still had to go by Mr. B's house and get some more feed for the steers. Look who we got to see.


Aren't they cute!

Here is a beautifully painted sky by God!

Tim and I took a walk down to the woods.
Future plans for this area.

Looks like we need to get this tree taken care of.

Future plans for this area. Talking about all the possibilities.

Found this today and am curious what it could be??????
I am hoping it is wild elderberry.

Our path into the woods, creek, and other part of our land.

This is just the other side of the vineyard.

Kaitlin thinks this might be a crab-apple tree.

It is fermenting time. I got 2 heads of cabbage and Tim said he would help.

We have a little over 5lbs. of cabbage. This stuff is good for you.

Adding salt and mixing it.

Pounding it and ......

and pounding ......

Now mashing it all down.

Got the weights on it and ready to close it up for 3 weeks.

Adding water to lid.

Now we will wait.

On our walk I cut some wild flowers. 
Aren't they pretty?
They smell really sweet.

Two little chicks!
I been holding them everyday. When you have over 5 it gets harder to hold all of them everyday. So, these little ones might get spoiled. 

Look who decided to start moving the shed, today!

We almost had 2 crushed kittens. Ninja and Alex were underneath the shed. Those 2 are everywhere. Glad Tim was going very slow.

Tim pretending to nap. Back to work boy!
Oh, and the girls are back from being in the city for 2 days.
Now we have extra hands to help.

The dirt under the shed was good dirt. I want it, need it! Its going to the vineyard garden.

Using this good ole truck to haul everything including a heavy load of dirt to take to the vineyard.

Getting it unloaded in the vineyard.
This wheelbarrow has seen better days. Talk is to get a new one. It has served us well.

Look what is growing....
the green bean plants!
Looks like we might get a harvest yet.

Funny we move the shed coop that houses all the little chicks, and all the big hens are the only ones going in and out of it. I think we might have some problems getting the chicks in tonight. 

What a beautiful sky! 
Everyday it is there but, do we notice it?
 I sure do and have my family to stop and notice. And to be reminded what all God has provided. It doesn't matter where you are, he always paints a beautiful sky all day long. 
All we have to do is look and see.

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