Friday, October 25, 2019


Fermented honey and garlic!!!

You only need 2 ingredients:
Garlic (I used 4 bulbs)
1 clean jar

 Don't buy the already peeled garlic. It doesn't work the same.
I got mine all peeled.

 I had enough and divided between two jars.

 Pour the honey over top to cover the garlic. You don't want to fill up the jar. You will have to open your jar everyday to allow the air to escape. But keep it sealed afterwards.

 You will need to turn your jar over daily. This just keeps everything mixed up. I open mine first then turn it over.

 The two ingredients together become a powerhouse to boost your immune system to fight off colds, allergies and flu. Combine the two ingredients and you’ve got a natural remedy to strengthen the immune system.

This is day 3 and already the honey is getting darker. I plan on leaving mine out for 2 weeks. It is ready to use or you can wait. 

Store in refrigerator.
You can use the garlic after a few days, but the flavor mellows after a week or two. The cloves will last in the honey for months.


Eat the garlic cloves!
While your body is feeling compromised, eat a clove every hour or two. You are trying to eat about 5 cloves a day. Once you feel you’ve boosted your immune system, reduce the amount of cloves. But, continue to eat for health maintenance.

Use the honey.
Use in cooking, tea, tonics or as a cough syrup.


Honey is an antioxidant that is antibacterial and antimicrobial. It's loaded with vitamins and minerals and almost acts as a multivitamin itself. It can be used to help boost energy, boost the immune system, reduce allergies, soothe coughs, soothe sore throats, fight infections and prevent cancer.


Garlic is great for its anti-inflammatory benefits and it is antibacterial and antiviral. Garlic contains high amounts of manganese, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Use garlic to decrease blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, lower total cholesterol, prevent cancer and metabolize iron.

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