Thursday, June 27, 2019


Cooking in the Sun Oven!!
It's so easy to do and the food doesn't burn.

I have many ask me questions about my sun oven. Many don't understand how easy this is to use. It is light weight and easy to set up. You just need sun or enough light to cast a shadow. It's that easy. It heats up the oven area with the suns rays. It keeps the food moist and doesn't over cook or burn your food.

This is the sun oven set up.

The side view. We put a brick on the leg to hold it down from the wind. It comes with a stake to put down. I just find it easier to move the brick and move the oven to follow the sun.

On today's sun oven cooking is our Wingless Whole Chicken.
Yes wingless. I cut the wings off for the dog to eat, since nobody eats it from the whole bird.
Loaded this up with tons of herbs. Note their is no WATER in the bottom of the pan. Doesn't need it as it will cook it will create its own juice.

Having some baked potatoes.
Slathered them with olive oil and salt.
No water needed either, that simple.

I put the pan in the oven and closed the door.
Temperature was already coming up to 250 degrees.
It gets hot! Not 500 degrees hot but oven cooking temperature hot.

I let it cook all day and just moved the oven with the sun.
Did some garden work on this beautiful sunny day.

The meat was falling off the bone and so juicy.
Baked potato was just split right open and begging for butter, cheese and bacon pieces.
After a long day in the garden my meal cooked for me.
Nothing gets better than that. We are looking into getting another one of these ovens. They really are awesome to cook from and no electricity was used in making this meal.

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