Tuesday, December 27, 2016


For two days now we have had thick fog.

Tim and I walked down to the Vineyard Garden area checking things out. Garlic is doing good.

Hope has been getting out of the pasture area and coming up to see us at the house. She doesn't get out often and we haven't stopped her. Look how big she is getting!

Finally getting around to dehydrating the pineapple. 
I follow a homestead blog and she was talking about how yummy it is and best to buy a lot when it is on sale. So the girls and I are doing just that.

It's done............ And so sweet!
Its good, y'all should try it especially if you have a dehydrator.

I am working on a deadline. My hubby is working on the the water lines in the house. He will be turning the water off soon.
So I recruited Skylar to help make some fermented cabbage.

1 pound of cabbage to 1 tablespoon of kosher salt.

This new cabbage pounder has been getting a workout.
We bought it at the Mother Earth News Fair from a couple who hand makes them.

While we were using the water, Tim and Kaitlin headed outside.
The plan is to butcher 5 ducks. We will put 4 in the freezer and cook one for our Christmas dinner.

Kaitlin is a huge help when it comes to getting this process done.

Tim and Kaitlin found out that the chicken plucker doesn't work well for the ducks. Bummer!

Two done and three more to go.
When they get them all butchered they will stay in the cooler for several hours to cool them off before we place them in the freezer.

Tim got this part done a couple of nights ago.
This will help to get all the other things ran.

Water Softener, we have missed you!
When we moved we brought it with us and we are getting around to hooking this up.

The new pex lines are coming in handy.
Its seems as of late we have been making more runs to the hardware store.

This is the new stuff Tim picked up.

This is the dechlorinator.

Unboxing the drinking water system.

The first two tanks are the water softener. The third tank is the expansion tank for the new K5 system.

This hard to see tank is the Upflow Dechlorinator.
This will help to reduce drying of hair and skin from chlorine. It also reduces deterioration of rubber seals in fixtures and appliances.

This unit is called a K5 Drinking Water Station. It is a reverse osmosis filter system for our drinking water.

Tim got the new water spigot installed. 
He made sure it matched the faucet.
Great job, babe!

It works! Tim also ran the filtered water to the fridge for the ice and water dispenser.

With the water back on .......
We were getting the ducks bagged and ready to go in the freezer.

Huge blessing to add this to our freezer.
Home-grown duck.

This is day three of fog (Saturday).

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