Friday, August 14, 2020


Our quarantined road trip to get some pigs!!!!

We got the whole family for this trip. The girls both wanted to come so we waited an extra week to go get our pigs so they could come. What can I say they like hanging with us. 
We are really cool!!


I got nothing on this. Not sure why they wanted to sit backwards in their seat. (We weren't driving at this point) 

We hit rain on our way to the farm to get our pigs.

Meet Elvis
He is the greeter and the father of the pigs we are getting.
He is huge!

I can't even say some goats. This guy had so many goats everywhere.

Them goats were climbing on everything.

He even had peacocks.

Check out the alpacas.

He had a hill full of these beautiful flowers.

The pigs were everywhere too.

We took our suburban to pick up the pigs. I used a dog kennel, several boxes and trash bags. I used boxes under the kennel, in the kennel and up the sides. I then put trash bags all around the 3 sides. I didn't want any pig poo getting on anything. Keeping it contained for our 3 1/2 hour drive back home.
Let's pray this goes well.

There they are, our 2 little piggies!!
They are scared of us. I don't blame them. The small black one is the male who just got fixed. He screamed and screeched ear piercing sounds the whole time. Poor guy! The female is the one who is on top with a pink belly.

We pulled over and ate our lunch that I prepared before we left our house. 

Finally clear skies for our ride home.

We had to stop and pick up some pig feed and check on the pigs.
They have about an hour left to go.

Welcome to your new pad.

We pinned an area in our one of our stalls and set up fencing until they get used to us. At some point they will go out in the pasture once we get them used to an electric fence. But for now we just want them to get used to us.

They were checking out their new home and still very scared of us.
The female is a little more curious of us than the male is.

We already have names for them
Meet Jack and Diane!

We gave them some feed.

And we found out quickly that Diane doesn't like to share.

We waited until after dark to go and check on our new little pigs.
They were curled up sleeping.
Let the adventures begin!!

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