Saturday, November 16, 2019


So far the weather has been descent. I am not looking forward to the cold and snow. I do prefer spring and summer. But something about fall I like too. 

Got the rest of the beds prepped and ready for winter.
I got the fabric cloth down in the rows. I did leave the cattle panels up that we used for the tomatoes. I thought this would be easier when it's planting time next year. Less work for Tim as he would be putting them it.

I have a few things still growing. I am gonna leave them for now. But I might not get it covered before the winter snow hits. The leeks are still doing great. I guess they like the cooler weather.

We are on a count down to butcher day for these yummy Thanksgiving turkeys.

They are so big now that they can't roost on the roosting bars.
They get so excited when they see people. Very social creatures.

I am praying for nice weather on our butcher day. It's harder when it's cold out. I know last year was cold and we had it set up pretty well to help keep the area warm. So if it is cold we will set it back up like that again. Just no snow!

You can tell it's getting colder outside. The guineas act crazier!
I have already noticed that a few of them have been staying down in the woods and coming in when I come out in the mornings. 
Darn Guineas is all I can say.

The silkies are doing great!

I have 2 of my really small cochin hens in with the silkies. I just think they are too small to be running with the bigger hens and roosters. And I am worried about them with Mr. T too.

Been having frozen cow waterers in the mornings now.

Heifers are grazing well.

Chickens, Guineas and Turkeys are out everywhere so far.

Hope being silly. She sometimes just lays in the most strangest ways for long periods of time.

So now that it has been getting colder and temperatures have dropped. My entrance way will be the home for the rabbits water bottles until the weather warms back up.
Kaitlin did breed 3 of her rabbits. I was told the 20th of this month we should have some born. So I am excited about that.
Not looking forward to the rabbit waterers freezing. I don't like them being without water. Animals seem to want water more when it gets cold. So far we have had them freeze once.

Here is a video of how easy it is to move our heifers to a new paddock.

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