Monday, October 10, 2016


Daily progress has been done on the new hen house. We are getting closer everyday.

Yes, that is a turkey on the roof!

In between rain and work the rafters have made it on.
Kaitlin was a big help getting that process ready.

Bless their hearts! They worked on getting these post level and secure. But someone changed their mind. Not naming names but KRYSTAL did it.


We (Tim and I) ordered the metal and it was ready the next day. We got the trailer and went and picked it up nearby.

Got it strapped down and ready to go home.

After a down pour of rain and a beautiful rainbow as a reminder.
Our friends showed up to give us a hand putting up the metal on the hen house.

Tim and Aaron got one side done.

The other side they lost daylight and worked by a work light. They did get it all done too.


The next morning you can see what they got done. Thanks guys for making the drive to come and help.

So, the next morning Tim and Kaitlin got started on laying the metal on the roof.

Bless her heart, she isn't fond of heights by any means.


We had another friend of ours stop by to give us a hand putting on some metal. 

With all the rain it sure left one muddy mess.

So Tim decided to use some of the gravel we had to make it easier to work on this project.

Tim and Don got the other section of the roof done.

Getting one side done and ready for the door.

Tim is getting the door ready to go in.

This is exciting seeing how it all goes together.

Putting on the trim pieces.

Door is trimmed out.

A days worth of work and helping hands. This is looking really good.

We still have the back to put on. But each day we are getting closer.

~DAY 4

I went into the city for a day and came back to the last side done. Tim and Kaitlin were busy all morning and afternoon. 

So glad we decided to put the white panels on. It will give the hens light on the inside. Tim is working on the trim pieces for this side.

Still have some trimming out pieces to put on. And will need to order a couple more pieces. See these post? Most all of them are gonna be removed. 

We decided to not have an enclosed run area. The chickens prefer to be out and free ranging. The remaining post will be a small run for the young pullets that aren't ready to be with the big hens.

Tim added some mulch to this area as it was really muddy.

Another reason we aren't putting a run in. Hope has been doing a real good job and that is why we got her.

Our plans are to put in 2 chicken sized doors on this side.

Feeding the hens in the coop area because of the rain. The white plastic lets in plenty of light. We do plan on having electricity inside.
We have some finishing touches on the outside and then roosting bars and nesting boxes on the inside. But, this is what we have so far. 

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