Saturday, September 3, 2016


Today's the day this little guy we call 
Emperor-Teekle goes to a new home.
It's sad, but needs to be done. 
Just too many kittens. 

He is ready to go!

 Now he is in the next kennel to transport him to his new owners.
Got an update, his new name is Milo. We saw pictures of him with his new owner. She was so excited to have him. I was told that they (husband and wife) were showing off pictures of him before they got him.

 Kaitlin doing a science experiment.

 We needed to get a cover over this chicken tractor. With wind and chickens they removed the plastic off of it. Looks like rain and I don't want the little chicks feed to get wet.

 Kaitlin cut the bags open. Reusing old feed bags. 
They work perfectly.

 Team work!

Now I don't need to worry about the feed. The chicks are only staying out during the day and they will go back in the shed coop at night.

I named these two Cinnamon and Smokie.

~ Round 2 ~
I started the 1st batch hoping I would have fertile eggs. That was incorrect. They all were just an egg. I gave it another month then, I started the second batch at 30 eggs. After 15 days of incubating them, I removed the ones with nothing happening. So, Day 1 ended with 3 eggs, Day two ended with 5 eggs, and Day 3 ended with 4 fertile eggs. About 6 of the 30 weren't fertile and the rest were. Some died early on and the others died just a couple of days ago. So this is what I have left. It is getting close to hatching time.

***( I collected eggs for 3 days, so hatching day with be 3 separate hatching days)

 Noticed a power company out by the pole with the transformer on it. So today a gentleman came to let us know they will be trimming the trees out front, so they can replace the leaning pole. In this picture you can almost see it leaning. It leans into the road.

This picture shows how much it leans.

 This is before the crew came out to trim away the trees and make room to replace the pole.

This is after the tree trimming crew was out.
They tried not taking out too much. The crew was really nice and left the under brush.

Talked with the crew to leave the mulch.
This is a nice size pile. It won't take long to go through this.

Library Day!

There was some daylight left and we headed down to the woods to do some clean up. We sorted and loaded up bucket fulls of recycle stuff.

Tim and Skylar going over Math.

A land that the Lord your God cares for. The eyes of the Lord your God are always upon it, from beginning of the year to the end of the year.
Deuteronomy 11:12

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